Technical data

Additional data
Rated input power* 650ÌÎÌ_í¢í«ÌÎ_W
Stroke rate at no load 500 Ì_墉ۡóÁí¢̴Ì_ÌÎ̝í� 3,100ÌÎÌ_í¢í«ÌÎ_spm
Weight 2.6ÌÎÌ_í¢í«ÌÎ_kg
Cable length 2.5ÌÎÌ_í¢í«ÌÎ_m
Cutting depth
Cutting depth in wood* 90ÌÎÌ_í¢í«ÌÎ_mm
Cutting depth in aluminium* 20ÌÎÌ_í¢í«ÌÎ_mm
Cutting depth in non-alloyed steel 10ÌÎÌ_í¢í«ÌÎ_mm

* Highlighted Data

The A-rated noise level of the power tool is typically as follows: Sound pressure level dB(A); Sound power level dB(A). Uncertainty K= dB.

Top-class convenience in the entry-level class

  • The reliable partner for day-to-day use
  • High level of convenience with Bosch Ì_墉ۡóÁí¢̴•À_ÌÎ̥SDSÌ_墉ۡóÁí¢ÌÎ̢í«‰ۢÌÛ_ for easy, tool-free, two-hand saw blade changes
  • Switch with accelerator function for smooth pilot sawing of the material
Availability: 10 In Stock
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